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How To Choose The Right Pampers Diapers For Your Child!

As if the duties of a new parent aren’t time consuming enough, standing in the aisles of your local retail store selecting items for your new child from the massive array of products available these days is daunting. Unfortunately, not all products are created equal, even in the world of infant and children’s merchandise. You’re here because you know you’ve chosen one of the best brands available to cover your little one’s behind, and you need to know what you’re getting into before you hit the stores.

Pampers is the US’s top brand of baby diapers for a reason. They create sturdy, flexible, comfortable, and dependable diapers and have been doing so since 1961. Pampers offers a wide line of diapers for different baby’s needs. Continue reading to understand the differences between their available products.

Pampers Swaddlers Diapers

The Swaddlers are available in sizes NB (newborn), 1, and 2 only, since they are more carefully tailored to newborns. They feature a notch in the front of the diaper near the belly to allow room for the end of the umbilical cord before it falls off. This seems to help with a newborn’s comfort level as the healing button beneath the cord doesn’t have any portion of diaper rubbing against it!

Along the front of the diaper, near the… ahem, “business end” these diapers also feature a wetness indicator. This is a strip that runs vertically along the diaper that you won’t notice until it becomes soiled, which will turn the strip blue. Parents love this for early stages of getting used to routines and habits of their new little person, making it extremely easy to tell at 3 am if you need to change their clothes or make a bottle. They have adjustable straps that can overlap, making it a cinch to ensure your infant has a snug and comfortably fitting diaper.

Pampers Baby Dry Diapers

Often after moving from the Swaddlers line at size 1 or 2, the next best choice is the Baby Dry diapers. These will not carry the same wetness indicator as the Swaddlers, so be sure your designated diaper-changer is practiced and ready! These diapers are much more absorbent than the Swaddlers and other competitor’s diapers in the same range, for that matter. We’ve personally heard of infants carrying on for 10 hours without a leak! This makes Baby Dry a perfect choice for bedtime, as you will know they will be dry come morning (except of course for unforeseen Acts of Indigestion).

These diapers are more flexible than the Swaddlers, and will allow more free movement as your child begins learning to move around their world without sacrificing any protection.

Pampers Cruisers

The Cruisers diapers are for today’s baby-on-the-move. Actually, as your infant gets more adept at wiggling, rolling, crawling, sitting, and standing, these diapers will provide even more flexibility and support than the Baby Dry or Swaddlers are able to. They feature extended absorbency areas to keep them dry, giving them 20% more absorbing material than any other Pampers diaper. They are designed for comfort around their legs, waist, and belly, giving them the greatest range of motion and comfort for your dollar.

In general, the Pampers line moves in size from Swaddlers, Baby Dry, and Cruisers. Your baby will grow in his own unique way, and only you will be able to tell which will fit and suit them best. All packages of Pampers will indicate a size starting at NB and then growing from 1 to 7, with and accompanying weight guideline. These are great for most parents to help gauge which size will best fit their individual child. Equipped with this knowledge, you’ll breeze through the diaper isle and be able to move on to more pressing matters… like throwing another Rock/Paper/Scissor match for the next diaper change duty. Good luck!

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